Sunday, 22 March 2015

Lets think on our feet!

Flicking through (wait, its more scrolling than flicking... whatever) scrolling through feedly I came across Jill's blog - Which I love (and hate, those macaroons look amazing!). Anyways, the post about having to deal with tech mishaps in the classroom was so handy. It just reminded me that in my unit plan and while on prac, I will need to think about what will happen if things do go wrong. The link in Jill's blog lead me to the list of how to cope when lucifer makes a visit to the classroom and unplugs the internet. 

I think it is important to just know your content, know all that you need to, know your objectives, know what your students need to do and achieve by the end of the lesson. 

I unfortunately had a tech mishap on my last prac, but luckily it was right at the end of the lesson, and it gave the students 10 minutes to think about their assignment. Mind you, that whole lesson was a muddle because there was noise outside, it was friday afternoon before a big day, and I was trying to teach and engage the students in stuff that was super important, but there were silly people misbehaving outside of the classroom which were distracting them way too much... anyway... thats behind me now, but I did learn that when there is a will there is a way, and students will learn, but we might have to use a different way.. that may not include ICT sometimes. 

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