Sunday, 15 March 2015

Using ICTs in my classroom for the visual, auditory and kinesthetic students

I was thinking about how I could use ICTs to benefit the learning of all of my students. I was a bit stuck on where to start researching, so I went back to the whole VAK (or the VARK) model.

I found this website which outlines strategies that can benefit the learning of students in all 3 learning methods.

I thought about some ICT tools that could help with each suggestion.

1. Colour code or highlight your notes - Diigo is perfect for this!
2. Use flashcards - there are actually heaps of flashcard making sites out there heres one that I found.
3. Translate core concepts into diagrams - again, there are plenty of sites to create things like concept maps. Even word and excel can help with creating diagrams.
4. Use symbols to emphasise important points- I can't think of an example website for this one, however, using consistent symbols in created ICT learning resources could help here. e.g. in powerpoints having a symbol of a pencil for the information the students should be copying down.
5. Always take down notes and create lists - I know macs have a stickies app that can help with this, students also have notes on their iphones to be able to do this.

This is my preferred area.
1. Add rhythm or music as a learning aid - in class I don't mind allowing students to listen to music. The Pandora website, which is a free radio station may help in this.
2. Recite key points aloud - If the teacher has created a prezi they can add audio, there are also text to speech functions included on macs (and PCs I'm sure of as well) that can help with this.
3. Participate in group discussions - Blackboard collaborate sessions were the first thing that came to mind for this one.
4. Record your classes - why not create a youtube video?
5. Teach others what you want to learn - I think skype is a great tool for this. In high school I used to talk with my best friend all the time about our maths and physics over skype. Although, when we were trying to talk to each other about complex equations, it got a bit difficult.

1. Using puzzles, games and the computer - well fancy that! Computer is already there! For things like Algebra, dragon box is a good game to play (see the learning path for week 3, I will be posting about this later this week).
2. Study outside or in new environments - Ipads and iphones- well any piece of technology that allows for students to access information in a different environment can help achieve this.
3. participate in laps or go on excursions - virtual excursions do exist out there for historical monuments.
4. Think of practical applications for concepts - this point is not necessarily something that ICTs can achieve on its own, this is down to the teacher's pedagogy. Providing practical examples and problem solving can be achieve through many ways online including webquests.
5. Study in short blocks - using timers on your phone could help with this.

I should mention here, I did try and research visual auditory and kinaesthetic strategies regarding the use of ICTs in this area through the library. However, there doesn't appear to be much research in this area. I will keep searching, but if someone finds any, I would love to have a read!

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