Saturday, 16 May 2015

laptop trolleys on prac

On my last prac, every student had a laptop, we were using ICTs for teaching and learning every single lesson (except for maths in some cases). At my school on Monday, for every class we need to book laptop trolleys to use ICTs, (which to me actually feels like I'm stepping backwards in terms of what I can show I can use with ICTs). Not to mention that I feel like I'm going to be hogging the laptop trolleys if I want to use them every lesson because they only have a limited amount available. Anyway, because I haven't really had much experience with laptop trolleys except once or twice at my first prac school and before then not since I was in grade 9, I thought I should read up on some tips. This blog provides some tips.

Obviously when I'm planning my lesson using laptop trolleys I will need to consider how I will manage the students to make sure each of them gets a laptop etc.

I need to ensure I am monitoring their use of laptops. I also need to make sure I have a back up plan. I need to make sure my mentor books them for me they day before.

At my old prac school where students had laptops with them all the time, they all got into the habbit of coming to class and immediately going on to them and not focussing on the lesson first, so I probably wont have the issue of having to tell the students to shut their laptops before we even start the lesson.

But mainly, I need to make sure I'm organised, give direct instructions, make sure students know what to do when they have their laptops to ensure they don't start to use them innapropriately.

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