Saturday, 16 May 2015

lets use all the apps!

I want to give a holla out to Laurenn's blog here  where she talks about using the AITSL app.

Just wanted to let you guys know as well, ACARA has an australian curriculum app. BCE has a religious education and religious life of the school curriculum app. They are all really handy tools. Khan academy has apps for certain things.

Other apps that may come in handy

- tuner apps for music teachers
- calculus formula apps for maths teachers
- mindly mind map app for all teachers. (kind of like padlet and poplet).

Theres heaps, so many. But I've found that there appears to be more apps for primary teachers than secondary, but you know, we can't have everything.

But definitely, we should all have the AITSL and ACARA app. - just saying, they are amazing.

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